FM Gallery Partners with Digital Artists: Ryan Teo, Min Guen and Rishiraj Sngh Shekhawat

M Space News
FM Gallery
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2021


We’re pleased to announce that we’re partnering with Ryan Teo, Min Guen and Rishiraj Sngh Shekhawat. Their digital artworks will be released on FM Gallery among our next batch of NFT assets.

About Ryan Teo

Ryan aka Rynja is an artist from Singapore, and is currently working on the Assassin’s creed and Splinter Cell franchise at Ubisoft Germany. He has worked for clients such as Coca Cola, McCann worldgroup and AMD. After finishing his military service, he moved to Paris to work in an award winning studio developing games for Facebook. He enjoys weaving narratives into his illustrations and has a strong focus on storytelling.

Distant Worlds by Ryan Teo

About Min Guen

Min Guen is a Ukrainian-Vietnamese concept artist based in Vancouver. He has worked in the film and game industries with a number of high-profile clients including Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, and Paramount. Lately, Min became known for his VR art work where he pushes technological and aesthetic potential of the medium. He pulls intuitively from his background in architecture, cinematography, and personal life experiences to create bold VR sculptures, which frequently revolve around fictional characters and fantastical worlds.

Anomaly by Min Guen

About Rishiraj Sngh Shekhawat

Rishiraj aka Rishi is a concept artist from India based in Sweden, he is currently working with Ubisoft Massive as Senior concept artist. He likes to draw character illustration, environment, props, spaceships and other concept stuff. He likes to explore all the genres from sci-fi to fantasy and real-world that’s why he says that his inner child still get distracted with anything beautiful and inspiring, and he don’t restrict himself with one particular theme and keep exploring and having fun with his artwork as much as he can so that viewers can sense the pure joy he had when working on his pieces.

SKR-23 tactical unit by Rishiraj Sngh Shekhawat

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